Apple certified technician exams: FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions - Preparing for and Taking an Exam

Q.  How should I interpret my score report?

A.  There are several important pieces of information on the score report:

The score report also indicates the time that a candidate finished the exam. A candidate must wait one 24-hour period after completing an exam before they are eligible to retake an exam.

Q.  What does the score report look like?

A.  The score report details the areas in which a candidate demonstrates technical strength and the areas in which the candidate shows a need for improvement. The report provides a numeric score for overall exam performance.

Q.  What does my numeric score mean?

A.  Apple provides numeric scaled scores on all exams that provide the candidate with some indication of their level of performance on the exam. Apple has worked with customers and testing industry experts to create an exam scale that is consistent across all exams.

Q.  The bars on the score report show that I have scored more than XX percent, but I didn't pass the exam. Why is this?

A.  Each section of the exam may contain a different number of questions; therefore, the relative results on individual exam sections might not reflect your final exam result. In other words, there is no one-to-one relationship between the length of the bars and your pass/fail status.

Q.  The resulting score shows a passing amount, but the exam states I did not pass the exam. Why is this?

A.  There may be a mandatory section in which you must pass with a minimum score. If you have failed this section, you will fail the exam even if your total exam points meet the passing score.

Q.  How many points is each item worth?

A.  In most cases, each item is worth one point; however, some questions or question types may be worth more than one point. Apple does not provide information about how many points specific items are worth.

Refer: Apple certified registry


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