Network technician: Salary
The average Network Technician pay in the USA is $63,375 per year or $32.50 per hour. Entry-level positions start at $33,150 per year while most experienced employees make up to $74,615 every year.
What is the
compensation for the Senior Network Technician part in the United States?
The average compensation for the job of Senior Network
Technician is in the United States is $65,000. This compensation depends on 29
pay rates presented by LinkedIn individuals who have the title "Senior
Network Technician" in the United States.
Salary and Benefits
Computer network technician's pay rates shift generally
dependent on experience, certification, and work environment.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics revealed that the median
yearly pay for network technicians in 2004 was $60,600. As per the
"Computerworld Salary Survey 2005" (Computerworld, October 24, 2005),
the median yearly compensation for a network technician was $70,365 in 2005.
Those in management occupations procure more. Since qualified technicians are
in such demand, bosses offer competitive packages as well as incentive bonuses.
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