What is the average salary for occupations related to "pc LAN specialist"?

The average pay for "PC LAN Technician" goes from roughly $18.25 per hour for Field Technician to $24.78 per hour for Senior Network Technician.

Compensation data originates from 53,710 information focuses gathered directly from representatives, clients, and at various times job promotions on Indeed in the previous three years.

If you don't mind note that all compensation figures are approximations dependent on third party submissions to Indeed. These figures are given to the Indeed clients with the end goal of summed up examination as it were. The lowest pay permitted by law may contrast by ward and you should consult the business for real pay figures.

PC LAN Technician Salaries in the United States

Salary estimated from 53,710 representatives, clients, and over a significant time span work notices on Indeed in the previous three years. Last updated: October 22, 2020.

LAN Technician Salary

In view of this information, plainly legal counsellors and medical specialists make more than technologists, at any rate, dependent on mean hourly and yearly salary information. Setting aside the BLS information for a second, we can also return to this publicly supported spreadsheet that drew a lot of consideration toward the start of the year, which shows that people at top financial firms, (for example, Goldman Sachs) and consulting firms, (for example, McKinsey) can win significant salaries that match or exceed what even top workers make in medication and management consulting.


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