Intro to Desktop Support

You get a call. It’s from your dad. He’s trying to set up a new printer. (Of course, it’s a printer problem.) You ask him the make and model, and start Googling instruction guides. You’re sure it’s a driver. (It’s always a driver.) You walk him through the steps. He tries to print a test page, and it works. As far as he’s concerned you’ve just performed a miracle. You can hear the appreciation and almost delight in his voice as he thanks you. Why did he call you? It’s the same reason he’d take his car to a mechanic. He had a problem and trusted you to either know what to do or how to figure it out.

desktop support job description

Desktop support techs are the mechanics of the IT world. People come to you with a problem. They’re frustrated. They don’t know what happened, or whether it was their fault. They just know something doesn’t work that should, and they need you to help. It’s your job to figure it out and make it work. Whether it’s a PC, Mac, Android, or printer.

Google is a good friend to any desktop support tech, but it’s not prescient. The search output is only as valuable as the question you ask it. Garbage in, garbage out. You need to know how the parts of a computer interact and how the computer interacts with the network to even start looking for the solution to a problem. That’s exactly what CBT Nuggets trainer Anthony Sequeira teaches in this Intro to IT course. After you watch these videos, you’ll have a basic understanding of hardware, software, and how to become an “IT mechanic”.

After you’re done watching all the videos, take the quiz, and post the certificate on your wall. You’ve earned it, but be careful. You’ll soon be the de facto support tech for your entire office, family, and friends.


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